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Caity: Class of 2016 | Park City + Saltair

If you don't know Caity Kwun, you're seriously missing out. She epitomizes love and class and kindness. She's the type of person you wish was your older sister. On top of that, she is playing collegiate golf and attending Claremont McKenna in LA when she graduates!

She is from Park City which is fantastic because she knew so many gorgeous places to explore. We wandered around where she had grown up, jamming to Taylor Swift in the car, and going on food breaks. Another day, we went to an area she never had been to before-- the Great Salt Lake! We attempted to go to the actual water but when taking off our shoes in December we realized quickly that that was completely unrealistic. Major kudos to her for being able to smile after we killed all circulation in her feet!

Her dog is named Tokki, which means rabbit in Korean. It may seem like a misnomer, but he jumps and frolics like a bunny so the name is applicable somewhat ;)

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Photography is a lot of things, but it primarily is an investment. This is a choice that endures. This is your story. Have peace of mind that your memories will be captured perfectly


Caili Chung Photography




Bay Area & Salt Lake  City

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