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Gogia Family | De Young Museum

This 10 month old was high key the cutest child of all time. We subjected him to many an outfit change during out hour together-- his sweater and button down, his diaper for a Christmas lights shot, and then his Halloween costume because hey, it's his first October!

He fought us a little and at one point we gave up on his shoes (Okay a little unrelated but baby shoes are my favorite thing ever they're so cute!) but he totally rocked it. When I show these pictures to my friends, we all fangirl together over his rocking hair!

We started out outside the De Young museum in Golden Gate Park because the boy loves the fountains. Then we stopped briefly in their home so we could capture his very first Halloween costume. He reminds me of that scene in Zootopia where the "son" is dressed as a baby elephant.

Also, this kid just made the funniest faces ever

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Photography is a lot of things, but it primarily is an investment. This is a choice that endures. This is your story. Have peace of mind that your memories will be captured perfectly


Caili Chung Photography




Bay Area & Salt Lake  City

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