It has been DUMPING snow recently! Originally, we'd planned to drive up the canyon for our wintery photoshoot. However, with the recent precipitation I recommended to mom to shoot down to SLC instead because 1. the skiers are rushing to the slopes and 2. why drive further/farther (I don't remember the rule leave it alone) than you need to for the white fluff? Thank you for trusting me and being so flexible!
This is the family of the most epic, gorgeous hair *heart eyes

#saltlakecityfamily #ExtendedFamily #fa #Mountainfamilyphotos #Family #UtahFamily #WinterFamilyPhotos #SnowFamilyPhotos #fam #BountifulFamilyPhotographer #Berkeleyfamilyphotographer #UtahFamilyPhotographer #SaltLakeCityFamilyPhotographer #SanFranciscoFamilyPhotographer #FamilyPhotos #SanFranciscoFamily #BerkeleyFamily #libertyparkphotography #libertyparkphotoshoot