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Francom Family | Utah State Capitol

Caili's Photos Utah Capitol Family

I'm going to tell a secret. I'm pretty new to photography and VERY new to shooting weddings. But when I talk to client leads I speak like I'm super knowledgeable and experienced because I want them to feel like they can trust me.

The second wedding I ever shot (and the first wedding that wasn't advertised for free on craigslist by me) was the mom's little brother (click HERE to see a the crazy perfect snowfall and red bridesmaids dresses) and I actively tried to hide it, but I was terrified. When one of his bridesmaids contacting me afterward saying she loved the photos and wanted me to shoot her adorable family, that was the affirmation I needed to make my heart swell.

Her daughter is 5 and his son is 3. When trying to get pictures of the two kids, I told the sister to give her brother a big hug from behind. She obeyed but her brother, displeased, turned around and hit her. She looked and me with those big blue eyes morosely and I felt morally culpable. Her little brother is such a daddy's boy and protested anytime he was separated from his father. The dad was the best photoshoot help though because he chased him around and held him upside-down and just kept his little boy genuinely laughing.

Thank you so much for boosting my confidence back in January and trusting me again in the spring. I couldn't imagine a sweeter group of people to serve

Caili's Photos Utah Capitol Family

Caili's Photos Utah Capitol Family

Caili's Photos Utah Capitol Family

Caili's Photos Utah Capitol Family

Caili's Photos Utah Capitol Family

Caili's Photos Utah Capitol Family

Caili's Photos Utah Capitol Family

contact caili

Photography is a lot of things, but it primarily is an investment. This is a choice that endures. This is your story. Have peace of mind that your memories will be captured perfectly


Caili Chung Photography




Bay Area & Salt Lake  City

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