If you've met Karl and Brittany and you don't love them, you're lying.
Karl and Brittany are both individually so genuine and funny and kind, so them together is kind of perfect. They were the ones in front of the camera, but their energy was so contagious that my cheeks were sore from smiling. It was so easy to laugh with them. Especially about Die Antwoord.
We started out running around Muir Woods to beat the sun. Literally running. Brittany led the hustle with high heels on and her hands full of props. At the same time, she still told me about the cool sites we were jogging past.
Later, we made our way to Muir Beach, where they will be getting married later this year on their 7th anniversary. Karl and Brittany are so chill and joyful that the running around still didn't stop. But this time we were joined by Biscuit, the friendly beach dog. He decided that he was feeling super cute that day and wanted to be included in the photo session. We also agreed that he was super cute and definitely was welcome to join the party.
Karl and Brittany, thank you for making a photo session simply a lot of fun. Thank you for being so interesting and interested and taking me out to Korean food afterward. I have so many new favorites from our time together. Congratulations again!

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