I don't shoot families anymore, but when the family is this cute, you are more than happy to make an exception!!!
I am so grateful to have met some truly incredible people through photography. The mom, Jacki, is a perfect example. She is an absolute wizard behind the camera (Click HERE to check out her magic!!) but clearly she needs to be front of the camera more often. She truly is such a beautiful person inside and out.
The Ericksons had to drive a fair distance to meet me at Alta ski resort. And the world rewarded them for this by exploding with wildflowers, golden light, and two proximal parking spots in a supposedly full area ;) I felt like I was in a scene from Sound of Music. The hills were definitely alive (with the sound of me fan girl-ing about how pretty things were)
The two year old daughter was done with photos UNLESS we were going to take a picture without her. Then she came running back in to steal the show <3
Thank you so much for letting me capture your beautiful family, with all their unreal levels of cuteness, in what is now my favorite location of all time.

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