Being in college is great. Being an adult is great. You can go on a spontaneous weekend trip to visit an old friend in another city. And you don't need to ask permission from anyone.
One of my darling best friends, Caity goes to school at Claremont McKenna. I haven't been to SoCal in years, but honestly SoCal is so close there's not really an excuse not to visit her. An hour by plane later, we were reunited.
We're both Korean and she took me to Park's BBQ in Korea Town. Which was mindblowingly amazing. Hard on the wallet. But mindblowingly amazing. Holy freaking crap. Everyone always talks about how Korean food is so much better in SoCal than NorCal. I have a very limited sample size, but that meal just makes normal life food seem worse in comparison lol.

After that, we took a trip to Santa Monica pier. There was a giant swingset that you really had to pump to get high up on. But once you did, it was probably the most fun a person can have. I freaking loves swings.
There were also a bunch of really ripped boys having fun on the ring set. People in LA are just prettier. That's the stereotype and I realized that it's true. I was pretty psyched to come back to NorCal where "Berkeley goggles" is the stereotype instead. I also realized that day that I really cannot climb a rope to save my life. Kinda pathetic. I'm turning 20 in a couple months. I'm probably about as fit age-wise as I ever can be, and I can't do a pull-up... Something needs to change lol.
Santa Monica pier was so freaking gorgeous. And so many people were enjoying it on electric scooters called Birds. It's this super cool thing where you download an app, scan a barcode on the scooter, and activate it through your phone.
Clearly it was just us though because literally 30% of the people there were zooming around just fine lolol. Rip.

What a beautiful day at the beach! ;)
Claremont McKenna is a gorgeous little school. Freaking clean and posh. I came on a good weekend because 1. Caity plays collegiate golf but this was the one weekend she didn't have golf practice and 2. Since the school is so small, it threw a party for all its students. Incredible! I laugh at the thought of Berkeley trying to do something like that.
The theme of the party was "wedding party." Which is right up my ally ;) I love opportunities to dress up.
Do you like our DIY photobooth backdrop? We taped a white bedsheet over the window. And then added streamers and twinkle lights.

The next day was super chill. Caity has a car and she let me drive it (bad idea). But also a good idea because I really love to drive. We drove for 4 hours just taking random roads with no destination in mind. We talked about our life plans and our passions. We performed Wicked. We performed Hamilton. We drove 20 mph in a 50mph backroad. Just because we weren't trying to get anywhere. It was just great to have space together.
Sorry I turned a simple parking job into a 6 point turn tho... I love you endlessly Caity Kwun. Thank you for such a magical weekend.