I am such a big fan of Brianna's big blue eyes, bangs, and dimples.
I am such a big fan of Brianna's big blue eyes, bangs, and dimples.
I am such a big fan of Brianna's big blue eyes, bangs, and dimples.
I am such a big fan of Brianna's big blue eyes, bangs, and dimples.
I am such a big fan of Brianna's big blue eyes, bangs, and dimples.
I am such a big fan of Brianna's big blue eyes, bangs, and dimples.
Okay, now that that's out of the way... I'm also such a big fan of Brianna's senior photos. On our hour drive to this poppy field, she was sitting in the back of the mini-van. Unfortunately the AC was broken so we had all the windows open to keep from a slow melt-in-the-heat death. Brianna was holding onto her curls in the wind, but she never complained and it totally worked-- her hair was picture ready when we arrived. As well as the rest of her of course.
Thanks for letting me be a part of your senior year! I can't wait to share more images soon :)