I love Christine. My darling friend from Berkeley got this dope computer science internship at Amazon in Seattle. So naturally I had to go to Seattle, too. I had an amazing time adventuring with this even more amazing human.
I was able to get into all these Amazon buildings that aren't open to the public because I was with Christine. Perks of having smart friends <3 And I was able to go to the Amazon Go store (which is open to the public) which completely blew my mind. It's a grocery store that you don't have to check out at. You put your credit card information in an app, scan the app at the door, pick up what you want, and leave. It charges you for what you left with. I ended up buying so much food I didn't really need because I wanted to test it out. I'm shook.
While Christine was at work, I wandered around the city by myself.

Christine wanted to ride a ferry because apparently that's a big deal in Grey's Anatomy.

You're in sight of the last Starbucks when you see the next Starbucks so just had to. Pro tip: Next time you're at Starbucks order a tall, no fat, no water, 4 pump chai with a scoop of matcha powder. This is a drink perfected through much trial and error. And I promise it's amazing ;)