"Lost hope that love exists? Or especially that love can be found on tinder? Well swipe right on this couple!"
-My umbrella-holding friend Caroline
Brianna and Bryan are proof that two kind, fun loving, and caring individuals can find each other by swiping right. They delighted myself and my friend with dad jokes, laughter, and stories that the couple told perfectly in tandem.
And 6 months after meeting, this couple knew they would marry each other. Flash forward to 2 years and 2 days after that first date, and the pair got engaged! And it’s the beautiful engagement story full of sweatpants, ugly crying, a sentimental scrapbook, and a sunrise view that brought them to me today.
Today, not only did I get to tour DC (shout out to the capital, the Lincoln memorial, and all the tourists Caroline got to ask to step out of frame), but I also got to share face-splitting laughter with two people who will share that laughter for a lifetime. Did I also mention that there was a rainbow? There totally was. Anyway, love exists and this beautiful couple gave me a wonderful welcome to DC.