This is an exciting post for me to share! I flew out to Singapore and a truly amazing engagement session.
She had followed me on social media for a while and wanted to work together during their visit to the Bay in August. Coincidentally I was planning on coming to Singapore in a few months, and when I told them this they were so kind and changed their plans so I could capture their city instead! I did so many happy dances.
I really wanted to do a good job, and to be honest I was kinda nervous about this session. What if the light on the other side of the world is radically different than the light on this side of the world?? But these two are actually the most amazing couple. They are both brilliant, compassionate and hilarious. It’s exciting to think of all that they will do together as a team!! Once we were together, I was having too much fun to remember my worries.
I loved my time with these two. It was too short but it was incredibly productive! We captured beautiful images at two different locations and had a blast! She has the most genuine laugh, and he is great at making her laugh. We adventured to Bishan-Ang Ko Kio Park and the Singapore River-- locations where their love story had relationship milestones.
We ended our night with the most amazing dinner together. Being just the most amazing humans, they brought me to the Hawker center where Crazy Rich Asians was filmed. The food looked incredible at the theaters, but the movie didn't even do it justice. I am ruined... We had a chance to talk about everything from their intimate wedding plans, to the Hell-yeah guy at Cal, to Singapore Slings, and public housing. What a night!
I can't thank you enough. Thank you for making my first day in Singapore so memorable.