Will (apparently) work for:
1. Boba runs
2. Help with Korean homework
3. Answers to"Can you buy me alcohol?"
4. Years of Friendship
My very first class of my undergrad experience was Korean 1A. During that class, the Korean teacher asked all the ethnically Korean students to go to another office and make sure we didn't belong in Korean 1AX, the language class for heritage speakers. After a short conversation (of "uhhh" and "ummmm"), the department concluded that I basically know back zero Korean and should return back to my original classroom...
That was such a boon. I met this friend group through that class and I am forever grateful. Desire to continue seeing them pushed me to continue taking Korean language classes semester after semester! These ladies are so loyal and smart and funny, and they've added so much joy to my college experience.
But I'm the baby of the group, so they're all leaving me at the end of this semester :0 I'll miss our first-day-of-school-Thai-food meetups. Our secret Hitler games. Our bowling games where Jen Kim doesn't get to double digits until round 7... But I'm so proud of you all for graduating soon. 너무 사랑해요.

I loved having hype girls behind the scenes keeping the energy up :)

I've been leading a photography class this semester. While we were grad shooting, we ran into one of my students shooting graduation photos for someone else! We made a quick request and luckily I got to join in for a couple pictures :) And then we dropped by the office of our original Korean teacher to thank her again for everything.